It was around Milana's birthday last year that I discovered I had 3 extra weeks of vacation to use from the previous year. I thought and thought about what I would do with these extra days since David didn't have the same amount of vacation. I decided that I would fly back to see my parents for two weeks. The next question was "Do I take Milana too?". Could I handle a nine hour flight with a toddler by myself? More importantly could I haul all of the necessary toddler items and a energetic toddler too? After much debate I decided I would give it a try and whatever happens happens.
The flight over was no sweat. Milana was extra good and as the plane took off from Frankfort she was asleep. Getting though Detroit airport was difficult with a stroller, car seat, large bag, toddler, purse and travel bag but I managed to make it with only an hour to change planes. Once in St. Louis, Grandma and Grandpa were waiting to pick us up. We stopped on the way home to get something to eat and Milana had her first taste of barbecue and gobbled it up. We made it back to the house and there were lots of new toys for Milana to play with plus Mick the pampered pooch.

We had a blast while we were there. Lots of shopping, going to the playground and trying the equipment for the first time, and relaxing. We took a trip to an apple orchard. Milana had a great time picking apples and eating the ones Grandpa peeled for her. She especially liked the hayride that we went on to get to and from the orchard. She also had her first professional pictures done. Milana was a little timid of Mick the pampered pooch but they made up eventually.

Soon our two weeks were over and it was time for our long flight back and believe me it was a long flight. Milana ended up getting snotty and which meant she didn't sleep at all and I had to hold her almost the entire 9 hour flight. Once back in Germany, Daddy was waiting to greet us. I think he really missed us. He must have really missed Milana because when we got home there was a pink princess ball pit waiting for a certain little girl. All in all it was a great trip and I was really glad that we had the courage to travel that far by ourselves.
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