Time flies when you are having fun, very busy, or somewhat forgetful to post on a blog that you started when your daughter was born. Whatever the case may be I haven't posted anything about Milana or our life in Germany for almost a year! I promised myself I would keep this up so I have a lot of catching up to do.
The last time I posted was my and Milana's first Mother's Day, so I guess I will start with the major events that happened from there on out.
Here in Germany, Father's Day is a holiday that occurs in June on a Thursday and you get a day off work for it. Traditionally Father's Day here in Germany is meant a sort of a "break" from the kids where the fathers go to local bars or sports areas and drink and have a day for themselves without the kids. It should be called "Pretend Bachelors Day". Kids still get their dads gifts and spend sometime with them but the dads go out a party by themselves too. We choose to celebrate David's Father's Day on the German holiday but with a more traditional approach of "Daddy-Daughter" Day.
Milana and I got David a new watch for Father's Day and they spent the day together playing, getting ice cream and taking pictures. They had a great day together and watching them together made me realize how similar they are. They even dressed alike too.
Seeing my husband with our daughter gives me that "warm fuzzy feeling". I love watching them interact together and how excited they both get when they seem to understand each other. It makes me very happy to see how much he loves her and would do anything for her.
glad you are back!