Our trip to Disneyland Paris was our second family vacation. We decided to drive there instead of taking a train. It was about a four hour drive. We drove through the Campaign region of France which was absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures. Once we were there, we decided to check in a rest for a bit before exploring.
The week before the trip, I had been sick and was still sick but I didn't want to disappoint the kiddo so we still went. Milana loves hotels. I don't think it would matter where we went as long as she got to stay in a hotel. She just gets so excited going into the room for the first time and she immediately climbs on the bed and makes herself comfortable.

Once we had rested from the car ride, we went to dinner and then decided to go to Disney Village and do a little shopping. Milana loves Minnie Maus right now, so when she saw Minnie and Mickey stuffies together, she new what she wanted. While we were in Disney Village, there was a maze area set up and Milana had a blast running through the maze. We decided to call it a night after that so that we could get up and get to the park in the morning for lots of fun and rides.
The next day we were up bright and early and at the park by eight. The first ride we went on was Buzz Lightyear's Space Adventure. Milana was a little unsure of herself at first, but once she figured out you could blast aliens from the cars, she began to have more fun. Of course after the ride, the exit is right into a gift shop and she came away with a southern belle Minnie Maus doll.
Milana taking in a Small World
with Minnie |

We went on the Small World ride next. Milana really enjoyed this and we had to go on it two more times before we left. We also went on the Teacups, Mr. Toads Wild Ride, Haunted Mansion, World of Fairy Tales, Alice's Maze and Casey Steam Engine just to name a few. It was really nice how many smaller children's rides were there.
Milana on Teacups |
Of course no trip to Disney would be complete without a magical hat and Minnie ears. Later we had a nice dinner and Milana had a chocolate shake. She was quite happy.

The next day, we went to the Studio Park but we couldn't find too much to do there, so we did some more souvenir shopping instead and then headed back to the other park to ride some more rides. That night I wasn't feeling good and Milana was really tired so David went and took pictures of the 20th Anniversary show. I wish we were up to going because the pictures he took were great.
The next day we left. Milana made out like a bandit on Disney souvenirs. In total she got Mickey and Minnie doll set, Southern Belle Minnie doll, pink alien Stitch doll, Lady doll, Marie doll, Minnie blanket, Rapunzel doll, Minnie dress-up doll, and some cups with Minnie and Marie on them. I think we all had a great time. As always Disney seems to be magical no matter how old you are.